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Oil Paintings

Rustic Radiance.jpeg

Rustic Radiance
Oil on Gallery Canvas

Dancing in the Moonlinght(good copy).jpeg
Keeper of the Shore.jpeg

Keeper of the Shore
Oil on Gallery Canvas

Dancing in the Moonlight
16x20/oil on Gallery Canvas

12 x24 oil landscape painting shwoing a red canoe by the shorline, abstracted tree line , feeling of solitude, canandian wilderness

Red Canoe
12x24 /oil on canvas

8x8  oil painting of a Doe, brushstrokes are scullptural to show form of the deer. Abstracted background, impressionistic style

The Doe
8x8/oil on Gallery canvas


 8x 10 oil Painting of a deer in the woods, impressinistic style, vivid colour, peaceful, visibile energetic brushwork

In the Woods
8x10/oil on  Gallery canvas

 9x12 oil painting of a heron on a small  dock. the heron is backlit with an impressinistic field of green, orange and yellow grasses in the background suggesting light direction. Light reflecting off water in the pond.   energetic brushwork depicts movement

Morning Light Reflection
9x12/ oil on  Gallery canvas

8x8 oil painting of a giant slice of water melon next to a smaller slice with a bite out of it. imporessionstic style with vivid colour and interesting shadows

8x8/ on Birch cradleboard

8x8 oil painting of a bunch of tomatoes on the vine. impressinistic style, artis captures essence of shape and colour of tomatoes to make them look very edible.

8x8/ oil on Birch cradleboard

9x12 oil imporessionistic painting of an adorable fawn follwing in it's mother's footsteps in an abstracted forest background. The two dear appear to have the same gaze as captured by the artist

Following Footsteps
9x12/ oil on Birch cradleboard

8x8 oil painting still life of pears, juxtaposed orange and blue  contrasting background, loose brushwork, vivid colour, images set up in a spiral shape with adds interest and leads the eye into the centre of the painting

8x8/ on Birch cradleboard

8x8 oil painting of still life of read appples, slices and a small knife. impressionistic style, loose brushwork

8x8 /on Birch cradleboard

Acrylic Paintings

18x24 acrylic painting of cyclist going down a path next to the Rideau canal. vivid colour , interesting shadows, movement, impressionistic

Cycling by Dow's Lake
18x24 inch acrylic on Gallery Canvas

10x20 painting of bunnies in abstracted backgound, youthful, enrgtic brushwork, vivid background colour, repetion of bunnies in different positions, good for child's room or playroom.

Whimsical Bunnies
10x20 inch on standrad canvas
$480 Framed

18x18 acrylic painting of a bird in a cactus, impressionistic, abtracted background, interesting pattern of light

No Place Like Home
18x18 acrylic on standard canvas

$650 Framed

Rideau Canal Skateway 2.jpeg

Rideau Canal Skateway
20x24 Acrylic on Gallery Canvas

16x20 acrylic painting of horses in front of a mountain and st Lawrence river, impressionistic, loose brushwork, cool colours analogous scheme

Majestic Laurentians
16x20 acrylic on Gallery Canvas


20 x20 impressionistic acrylic painting of a hummingbird in a colour abstract background, vivid colours, energtic brushwork, movement depicted

Hummingbird's Dream
20x20 Acrylic on standard canvas

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